Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Bodyguards in BANGKOK

Exactly 1 year after my first visit to Bangkok, I was back in this crazy place. Most places I think don't particularly fit its media representation but Bangkok is just the way you'd guess it would be... or MORE. That's probably why I love it here! The beautiful Lady Boys, the cheap cost of everything, the way everyone constantly smiles even while they are totally trying to scam you, and the openness. This is not really a place where people hold back. Especially not the foreigners who are visiting...
wine infused martini
the last thing I need.
the only healthy thing on the menu
Thai friends
Reunited with my good friend from University after about 5+ years!
the guy against the wall was my bodyguard. everyone I went, he went. including the bathroom! per my friend's request. However, considering I spent my entire week surrounded by men. They were all pretty much my bodyguards.
Michigan people in Thailand! 
I didn't really drink those!
Late nights, bad habits.  
Completely addicted after Day 1 so my friend bought me all of these. Chrysanthemum tea!



Ni Ka said...

Looks like you're having a great time! love your dress :))


xx Macie said...

that looks beyond fun!

amen fashion xo.